"My main motivation for joining the PDP was to join a Buying Group who took a genuine interest in my company. I was not just a customer of the Buying Group, an account number or a small fish in a very big pond.
We are a single site business but enjoy exactly the same trading terms as much larger members giving us a far better competitive edge than before. This is an experience I find very refreshing.
As part of the PDP we express our thoughts and have input into what the Buying Group does moving forwards and feel like a valued member of a well-oiled team.
The quality of the products I now sell are exceptional with a large proportion having OE pedigree which has kept our customers happy and the phones ringing more than ever before.
The PDP own brand products have been a revelation in developing additional sales and margin for my business.
Although daunting at first, the switch between groups was easy, with many of my suppliers remaining the same. I received support from the group's Commercial Director and other group members to aid a smooth transition, and to ensure that I had the right products and range on the shelf.
It has been an excellent move for our company, increasing our business turnover and profits by a significant margin in just 12 months of being a member."
Craig Byrom, Purchasing Director/Owner, Rays Garage Supplies Ltd.
"Since moving to PDP I have felt part of a buying group that takes my business and its requirements seriously. I have a voice at meetings which allows me to have a direct influence in the direction of the group. The commercial deals negotiated and presented at group meetings have allowed me to be both more competitive and achieve margin improvements. None of the group compete with each other as we have total exclusivity in our geographical area of operation meaning we share information which benefits us all, this has been a breath of fresh air. Unlike before, there is no chance of my current group colleagues competing in my area. The transition from my old buying group was very straight forward as the vast majority of my suppliers were supply partners to the PDP. With this, marketing paid directly to me and many rebates paid monthly, my move to the PDP has been a big success."
Greg Long, Managing Director, CR Marks Ltd.
"Since leaving my previous buying group I have experienced enhanced commercial deals and have developed strong relationships with my Co Group members. Additionally relationships with my key supply partners have strengthened immeasurably to the great benefit of my business. As no members of the group compete I have daily interaction with many members, sharing ideas, which in many cases has resulted in a fresh approach to the way I run my business. Although it was initially a daunting proposition to leave my old buying group, this has quite simply been the best move we have ever made!"
Louisa Mitchell, Director, Road and Rally - Derbyshire.
"One of the most refeshing aspects of joining the PDP is the transparency between members. We all have our own geographical exclusivity meaning we will never compete against each other. We therefore work closely sharing information and ideas. The relationship the group has formed with its suppliers is very strong and means the PDP has achieved the best commercial terms for its members. At the group meetings I have a real say in the decisions and direction of the group which is of great benefit for my business. I have been offered a great opportunity and feel privileged to say I am a member of the PDP."
Dan Howard, Lenco Motor Spares.